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Creating GitHub Apps
Using GitHub Apps
About using apps
Install from third party
Install your own app
Approve new permissions
Review your authorizations
Review installations
Internal apps
Creating GitHub Apps
About creating GitHub Apps
About creating apps
GitHub App versus other options
Best practices
Migrate from OAuth apps
Registering a GitHub App
Register a GitHub App
Callback URL
Setup URL
Rate limits
Custom badge
Authenticate with a GitHub App
About authentication
Authenticate as an app
Authenticate as an installation
Authenticate on behalf of users
Manage private keys
Generate a JWT
Generate an installation access token
Generate a user access token
Refresh user access tokens
Authenticate in Actions workflow
Writing code for a GitHub App
About writing GitHub App code
Respond to webhooks
Build a "Login" button
Build a CLI
Build CI checks
Sharing GitHub Apps
Share your app
Share with GHES
App manifest
App query parameters
Maintaining GitHub Apps
Modify app settings
Activate optional features
GitHub App managers
Suspend an installation
Transfer ownership
Delete your app
OAuth apps
Using OAuth apps
Authorizing OAuth apps
Review OAuth apps
Third-party applications
Internal apps
Building OAuth apps
GitHub Apps & OAuth apps
Rate limits
Creating an OAuth app
Authenticate with an OAuth app
Authorizing OAuth apps
Scopes for OAuth apps
Create custom badges
Best practices
Maintaining OAuth apps
Modifying an OAuth app
Activate optional features
Transfer ownership
Troubleshoot authorization
Troubleshoot token request
Deleting an OAuth app
Creating GitHub Apps
Creating GitHub Apps
You can build GitHub Apps for yourself or others to use.
About creating GitHub Apps
About creating GitHub Apps
Deciding when to build a GitHub App
Best practices for creating a GitHub App
Migrating OAuth apps to GitHub Apps
Registering a GitHub App
Registering a GitHub App
About the user authorization callback URL
About the setup URL
Choosing permissions for a GitHub App
Using webhooks with GitHub Apps
Making a GitHub App public or private
Rate limits for GitHub Apps
Creating a custom badge for your GitHub App
Authenticating with a GitHub App
About authentication with a GitHub App
Authenticating as a GitHub App
Authenticating as a GitHub App installation
Authenticating with a GitHub App on behalf of a user
Managing private keys for GitHub Apps
Generating a JSON Web Token (JWT) for a GitHub App
Generating an installation access token for a GitHub App
Generating a user access token for a GitHub App
Refreshing user access tokens
Making authenticated API requests with a GitHub App in a GitHub Actions workflow
Writing code for a GitHub App
About writing code for a GitHub App
Quickstart for building GitHub Apps
Building a GitHub App that responds to webhook events
Building a "Login with GitHub" button with a GitHub App
Building a CLI with a GitHub App
Building CI checks with a GitHub App