Search gists
You can search for gists globally across your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
Qualifier | Example |
>n | cat stars:>100 finds gists with the word "cat" that have more than 100 stars. |
user:USERNAME | user:octocat gets all gists created by @octocat. |
anon:true | cat anon:true includes anonymous gists in your search for cat-related gists. |
NOT | NOT cat excludes all results containing cat. |
fork:only | cat fork:only matches all fork repositories containing the word "cat." |
Filter content
Gist search looks through the file contents by default. You can also filter the results based on the content.
Qualifier | Example |
filename:FILENAME | filename:.bashrc finds all gists with a ".bashrc" file. |
language:LANGUAGE | cat language:html finds all gists with the word "cat" with a HTML file. |
extension:EXTENSION | join extension:coffee finds all instances of "join" in gists with a coffee extension. |
size:>n | system size:>1000 finds all instances of "system" in gists containing a file larger than 1 MB. |