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Erstellen eines Supporttickets

Über das GitHub-Supportportal können Sie ein Supportticket erstellen und mit dem GitHub-Support sprechen.

About support tickets

You can create your ticket using the GitHub Support portal or, if you would like to include diagnostics with your support ticket, you can use the GitHub Enterprise Server Management Console.


If you have previously contacted GitHub Enterprise Support through the GitHub Enterprise Support portal, which is closing down, you should use the GitHub Support portal to open new tickets.

After you create your ticket, you can view your ticket and the responses from GitHub Support on the GitHub Support portal. For more information, see Viewing and updating support tickets.


There are some steps you should follow before you start using the GitHub Support portal. For more information, see Getting started with the GitHub Support portal.

What to include in your support ticket

GitHub Support does not have access to any private or internal GitHub resources. Providing GitHub Support with everything they need to understand, locate, and reproduce an issue will allow for a faster resolution and less back-and-forth between yourself and the support team. To ensure GitHub Support can assist you, consider the following points when you write your ticket:

  • Obtain information that can help GitHub Support track, prioritize, reproduce, or investigate the issue.
  • Include full URLs, repository names, and usernames wherever possible.
  • Reproduce the issue if applicable and be prepared to share the steps.
  • Be prepared to provide a full description of the issue and expected results.
  • Copy exact wording of all error messages related to your issue.
  • Determine if there is an existing ticket number in any ongoing communications with GitHub Support.
  • Include relevant logs and attach any screenshots that demonstrate the issue.

Choosing a contact person

Especially for tickets with Urgent priority, the person contacting GitHub Support should:

  • Be knowledgeable in your internal systems, tools, policies, and practices.
  • Be a proficient user of GitHub Enterprise Server.
  • Have full access and permissions to any services that are required to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Be authorized to make the recommended changes to your network and any applicable products.

Creating a support ticket using the GitHub Support portal


Before you submit a ticket, you have the option of using Copilot in GitHub Support to receive an immediate response to your question. If Copilot in GitHub Support is unable to resolve your issue, you can continue submitting your ticket. For more information, see About Copilot in GitHub Support.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub Support portal and choose one of the following options:

    • To sign in with your GitHub account, click Sign in with GitHub.
    • To sign up for GitHub, click Sign up for GitHub.
    • If you can't sign in or sign up, click Can't sign in? and fill out the form. You will be guided through an email verification process. You will need to upload your GitHub Enterprise license. For more information, see Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise.
  2. Select the Select personal account, enterprise account or organization dropdown menu and click the name of the account your support ticket is regarding.


    • For Premium, Premium Plus, or Engineering Direct support, you need to choose an enterprise account with a GitHub Premium Support plan. If you don't see an Enterprises section in the dropdown menu, you're not entitled to open support tickets on behalf of an enterprise account. For more information, see About GitHub Support
    • To see a list of your enterprise accounts with a GitHub Premium Support plan, you must be signed into the GitHub Support portal. For more information, see Getting your enterprise started with the GitHub Support portal.
  3. Select the From dropdown menu and click the email address you'd like GitHub Support to contact.

    Adding CC emails to your ticket:

    • An admin or a support entitled user can add up to 10 additional email addresses to a ticket on CC directly from the ticket form.
    • To add more email addresses, loop them in directly via email.

    CC recipients’ abilities:

    • Those on CC can read every conversation and attachment related to the ticket.
    • They can also send a reply to the ticket.

    Support Portal visibility:

    • CCing an email address does not automatically display the ticket in the support portal for that email address.

    Admins, support entitled users:

    • Admins and support entitled users can view tickets created by members of their enterprise or organization on the portal. However, they still need to be CC’d on such tickets to be able to comment on them.
  4. Select the Product dropdown menu and click GitHub Enterprise Server (self-hosted).

  5. If prompted, select the Server installation dropdown menu and click the installation your support ticket is regarding. If the installation is not listed, click Other.

  6. Select the Release series dropdown menu and click the release your GitHub Enterprise Server instance is running.

  7. Select the Type of Issue dropdown menu and click the appropriate circumstance.

  8. Optionally, if your account includes GitHub Premium Support and your ticket is about a system failure or a critical outage currently blocking business operations in production, you can request a callback in English. Select Request a callback from GitHub Support, select the country code dropdown menu to choose your country, and enter your phone number.


    You will only receive a callback if required for ticket resolution.

  9. Under "Subject", type a descriptive title for the issue you're having.

  10. Under "How can we help", provide any additional information that will help the Support team troubleshoot the problem. You can use markdown to format your message.

    Helpful information may include:

    • Steps to reproduce the issue
    • Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue (for example, the first occurrence or occurrence after a specific event, frequency of occurrence, business impact of the problem, and suggested urgency)
    • Exact wording of error messages

    You can attach files up to 50MB. For larger attachments, such as support bundles, see Providing data to GitHub Support.


    When you upload an image or video to a pull request or issue comment, or upload a file to a ticket in the GitHub Support portal, anyone can view the anonymized URL without authentication, even if the pull request or issue is in a private repository, or if private mode is enabled. To keep sensitive media files private, serve them from a private network or server that requires authentication.

  11. Optionally, attach diagnostics files and other files by dragging and dropping, uploading, or pasting from the clipboard.

  12. Click Send request.

Creating a ticket using the Management Console

  1. From an administrative account on GitHub Enterprise Server, in the upper-right corner of any page, click .

  2. If you're not already on the "Site admin" page, in the upper-left corner, click Site admin.

  3. In the " Site admin" sidebar, click Management Console.

  4. If you have created multiple Management Console user accounts, select Root site admin or Management Console user. For more information about Management Console user accounts see, Managing access to the Management Console.

  5. Type your Management Console credentials. Then click Continue.

  6. In the top navigation bar, click Support.

    Screenshot of the header of the Management Console. A tab, labeled "Support", is highlighted with an orange outline.

  7. Choose one of the following options:

    • To sign in with your GitHub account, click Sign in with GitHub.
    • To sign up for GitHub, click Sign up for GitHub.
    • If you can't sign in or sign up, click Can't sign in? and fill out the form. You will be guided through an email verification process. You will need to upload your GitHub Enterprise license. For more information, see Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise.
  8. If you'd like to include diagnostics with your support ticket, Under "Diagnostics", click Download diagnostic info and save the file locally. You'll attach this file to your support ticket later.

  9. To complete your ticket and display the GitHub Support portal, under "Open Support Request", click New support request.

  10. Select the Select personal account, enterprise account or organization dropdown menu and click the name of the account your support ticket is regarding.


    • For Premium, Premium Plus, or Engineering Direct support, you need to choose an enterprise account with a GitHub Premium Support plan. If you don't see an Enterprises section in the dropdown menu, you're not entitled to open support tickets on behalf of an enterprise account. For more information, see About GitHub Support
    • To see a list of your enterprise accounts with a GitHub Premium Support plan, you must be signed into the GitHub Support portal. For more information, see Getting your enterprise started with the GitHub Support portal.
  11. Select the From dropdown menu and click the email address you'd like GitHub Support to contact.

    Adding CC emails to your ticket:

    • An admin or a support entitled user can add up to 10 additional email addresses to a ticket on CC directly from the ticket form.
    • To add more email addresses, loop them in directly via email.

    CC recipients’ abilities:

    • Those on CC can read every conversation and attachment related to the ticket.
    • They can also send a reply to the ticket.

    Support Portal visibility:

    • CCing an email address does not automatically display the ticket in the support portal for that email address.

    Admins, support entitled users:

    • Admins and support entitled users can view tickets created by members of their enterprise or organization on the portal. However, they still need to be CC’d on such tickets to be able to comment on them.
  12. Select the Product dropdown menu and click GitHub Enterprise Server (self-hosted).

  13. If prompted, select the Server installation dropdown menu and click the installation your support ticket is regarding. If the installation is not listed, click Other.

  14. Select the Release series dropdown menu and click the release your GitHub Enterprise Server instance is running.

  15. Select the Type of Issue dropdown menu and click the appropriate circumstance.

  16. Optionally, if your account includes GitHub Premium Support and your ticket is about a system failure or a critical outage currently blocking business operations in production, you can request a callback in English. Select Request a callback from GitHub Support, select the country code dropdown menu to choose your country, and enter your phone number.


    You will only receive a callback if required for ticket resolution.

  17. Under "Subject", type a descriptive title for the issue you're having.

  18. Under "How can we help", provide any additional information that will help the Support team troubleshoot the problem. You can use markdown to format your message.

    Helpful information may include:

    • Steps to reproduce the issue
    • Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue (for example, the first occurrence or occurrence after a specific event, frequency of occurrence, business impact of the problem, and suggested urgency)
    • Exact wording of error messages

    You can attach files up to 50MB. For larger attachments, such as support bundles, see Providing data to GitHub Support.


    When you upload an image or video to a pull request or issue comment, or upload a file to a ticket in the GitHub Support portal, anyone can view the anonymized URL without authentication, even if the pull request or issue is in a private repository, or if private mode is enabled. To keep sensitive media files private, serve them from a private network or server that requires authentication.

  19. Optionally, attach diagnostics files and other files by dragging and dropping, uploading, or pasting from the clipboard.

  20. Click Send request.

Further reading